
Wealth/Money, the lack of money, and “rich people” who have money, are topics many of us have strong feelings about. There are four main areas in which our negative beliefs about money affect our lives in harmful ways.

Scarcity – There isn’t enough for me.

Money management – I don’t know what to do with money.

Rich people – They’re greedy, egotistical, uncaring, etc.

Self worth – I’m not good enough.

We all want more money and more peace of mind in our lives, especially given all the uncertainties in the world today. The more chaotic the environment, the more we naturally want security and peace. We can have this and more. However, it means giving up old familiar ways of how we think about security. Letting go of what we know can be a tall order for some of us; even if it is the key to getting what we want.

We can hear your mind saying ” oh thats one in a million”. How will I be able to earn that much ? Are your limiting beliefs depriving you of Money /Wealth. Don’t worry though you are not doomed to live in that kind of belief system at all.

With Vaastu Vigyan you can find reasons why you are not able to generate more wealth/money ? We will analyse your home or office to get wealth/money attracted towards you.

By Vaastu Expert Sri Kamal

This science is complete in itself. Happiness to the whole world it can bring All the four benefits it bestows on you Rightful living, money, fulfillment of desires and bliss Are all available in this world itself *Viswakarma in Vaastushastra.

Vaastu Shastra

A part of the Vedas, the word ‘Vaastu’ in Sanskrit means ‘dwelling’, and in the modern context it covers all buildings. Vaastu pertains to the physical, psychological and spiritual order of the built environment, in consonance with the cosmic energies. It is a study of planetary influences on buildings and the people who live in them, and aims at providing guidelines for proper construction.

For peace, happiness, health and wealth one should abide by the guidelines of Vaastu while building a dwelling. It tells us how to avoid diseases, depression and disasters by living in structures, which allow the presence of a positive cosmic field.

The human race has been running after happiness from the very beginning of civilization. As time passes by the exploitations to find happiness gradually increases. According to Hindu mythology as well as from modern point of view, happiness of the entire family or a society depends on their habitat to a greater extent. If a family gets up in a sunny, healthy morning instead of damp & gloomy one, they feel that everything in their lives is perfect & positive. Because people always crave for natural nourishment as it provides them a healthy mind as well as strength to overcome all the obstacles in their lives.

If NE and NW Zones are imbalanced, due to wrongly placed kitchen, toilet or store in these Zones, then you are not able to enjoy your success, relationships, money, and other achievements. We at Vaastu Vigyan will apply Techniques ,so that you can achieve true happiness.

By Vaastu Expert Sri Kamal

Win more consumers by maintaining best quality of your business products

Consumers rely on particular brand of things because of the benefits which they gain out of it. On the other hand, if a businessmen wish to gain more customers, he must provide utmost benefits of using his or her to the proposed customers. So, welfare of any business organization depends mainly on customer satisfaction. So, customer satisfaction can be earned only by maintaining best quality products or services in the market which is the major factor that affects the stability of a business organization.

Apart from different sectors in industries like finance, sales, personnel management, production, quality control is also a main department which needs keen focus. Quality products are capable of beating competitors market which gets boost up in profit of the industry. Few Industries in real instance unfortunate to experience adverse turnover of sales, even though, they are maintaining best quality of products due to poor response from customers. This may due to various reasons which need immediate study for growth of the business.

As per expert’s advice, quality of a product should not be tested only with the end product outcome but it has to be done at every level of processing. In such a Vaastu expert can make marvelous change in a business by improving the quality of a product never before it was. By application of Vaastu Vigyan, one can experience beyond belief results. A good Vaastu expert not only focuses on the end product but he or she will apply the best Vaastu formula in all processes. Also, spending little money for implementation of Vaastu is always wise, has it assured to make brilliant change in quality maintenance, which is the key thing that affects successful running of business.

There are real instance in industries all over the world, which has witnessed remarkable change in the business due to implementation of Vaastu Vigyan. They have found their quality of product has attained remarkable appreciation from consumers and they wish to possess their products with minding the price. Inducing customers and attract them to possess things and also makes their surroundings to buy it is a best channel of product promotion for a business. This is possible in a greater extent with implementation of Vaastu Vigyan.

By Vaastu Expert Sri Kamal

There is famous saying “Opportunities knocks the door once”. So making use of opportunities is most important for every mankind in order to achieve the goal. Also, it is not wise thinking to wait for opportunities until it get into one’s shoes. Just like chasing with the competitors and winning the race, one should grab the golden opportunities. At any stage of life, one may feel that he or she may get stuck up in their life due to some reasons. May face issues in their workplace or terminated from their job even if they possess knowledge and skills. Just by implementation of Vaastu Vigyan one can find himself or herself lined up with more opportunities.

Most of the people all over the world prefer to earn more money, fame and be happy and joyful forever. To attain the same proper utilizing of the opportunities is significant. If anyone who prefer to switch to a different company from the present job or looking for a better employment can achieve the same through application of Vaastu Vigyan. There are many real instances all over the world which states that they had experienced uplift in their lifestyle due to appropriate use of opportunities that is made possible because of hearing to Vaastu Vigyan expert’s advice.

Grabbing the opportunities is more significant while running a business or else which will be utilized by the competitors. If anyone who wishes to make an investment on any property or an asset must make it right time and should try to multiple fortunes out of it. So, for people whom face issues with getting benefit of opportunities will not find enough profit out of such investments. And, those for people who enjoy life because of utilizing all opportunities whenever knocks at their door will get more and more benefit in terms of money, self-confidence, self-satisfaction, self-esteem and more. With little implementation of Vaastu Vigyan one can customize their lifestyle. To tap opportunities at right time life will make one’s life to achieve all his or her goals and can enjoy living contented. Always it is a boon to live a life with what one expects to have it for which opportunity utilization plays a major role.

People need clarity of mind for running life peacefully. Get it through Vaastu Vigyan

The main aim of implementation of Vaastu Vigyan in a residence or office place is to get clarity of thoughts and proper decision making. People who always left with confusion while making any kind of decision will feel them stressful. Also, they will not able to focus on any matters thereby they feel restless. All the time, they feel disturbed with the incidents happening to them and will not engage themselves in any happy moment. Clarity of Mind is more important for peaceful running of life. So, instead of getting influenced by unnecessary things, one should feel comfortable with whatever happens in their walks of life.

There are more people who are not comfortable with their decision, thoughts do not understand the fact that everything is happening within them and hence the solution is also within them. For making clarity of decision, Vaastu Vigyan implementation in one’s house or work place is more helpful.

People, who feel stuck up by something or confused, can get a clear idea about the same by application of Vaastu Vigyan in their homes and working place. They prefer to accomplish one goal but due to some reasons without their knowledge some other things may get happened. The moment when they realize, they will get stuck up and confused. And they will not be in a position to go further as mind will automatically get blocked and left with no clues of what things happening. So they may force to experience ambiguity of mind and thought.

It is agreed both by scientific world and Vaastu Vigyan scholars, that consciousness of a human is rule over by sub-conscious mind inside him or her. People sub-conscious mind will continuously accept input from immediate surroundings and in receipt of such information it will get programmed. After application of Vaastu Vigyan, not only the room space will be vibrated with positive waves which make people to behave optimistically. Automatically, sub- consciousness will start regaining clarity of thoughts and think positive which the base for growth of life is.

By Vaastu Expert Sri Kamal

Control depression through implementation of Vaastu Vigyan

At times, consciousness of a person may get stuck up due to negative things happening in their life. Due to depression in one’s life, they feel that things are not going in normal ways and their sub-conscious mind does not have enthusiasm to enjoy things around them. As the mind is not energetic enough, their realization will get stuck up into a specific feeling which leads to depression. Such depressed persons will not desire to do anything and hate experiencing enjoyment. Although, this is considered to be a psychological issue, it has correlation with space where the depressed person lives which includes both home and working place.

In the severe warning sign of depression, people will lose his or her interests in their life, daily enjoyments, sex and also in discharging their day to day duties. Vaastu Vigyan cannot be an alternate for the treatment recommended by medical world. But it can be better healing against depression and can restore one’s life to a balanced state of brainpower. While working on issues like anxiety, depression or abnormal behavior, always it is better find the root cause of such issues. One should undergo research and find out the reason that makes his or her consciousness to get stuck suddenly. But, most of the people will not find himself or herself equipped with such talent to analyze the reason behind the worries.

So, it is a great idea to rely on Vaastu Vigyan philosophy, as experts in this field will assist the person who is expressing depression in their walks of life with best healing aspects. As per Vaastu Vigyan, the first and major reason for depression within a person is the miss located bedroom and making some changes, one can get rid of it easily. Also, it may be due to miss located prayer room which may be the reason for incurring unexpected expenses. Even miss located wash rooms or storage rooms may be reason for temporary depression in one’s life. So, get assistance from Vaastu Vigyan experts and make necessary changes in home to enjoy life. Finding the exact symptom for a problem and identifying the accurate solution to cure it is more important.

By Vaastu Expert Sri Kamal

At times due to tension are you behaving abnormal? No worries believe Vaastu Vigyan

Vaastu Vigyan implementation is one of the utmost best choice and effective tool to have power over one’s abnormal behavior both in homes and in working zone. Due to such irritating behavior of a person at home, other family members will get disturbed and even if it continues persisting, there may be loosening of bondage and healthy relationship between family and relatives. Similarly, in case of organization, the abnormal behaving persons will not be in a position to deliver 100% productivity which may even leads him or her to get termination order from the concern.

Good Vaastu experts have talent to understand the human behavior living in a specified place. Starting from ancient days, Vaastu Vigyan techniques are implemented to control the abnormal behavior of a person.

As per Vaastu Vigyan philosophy, emotions of a human being is directly related to the energies of Earth and based upon which one will build up their buildings. Also there are more real instances all over the world where ancient monument buildings witnessed getting disturbed due to modification made in modern days. So, emotions of a human being are an outcome of the space around him or her.

Every person is driven to react based on their emotions. Irritating emotional outcome is due to the improper located buildings. In such circumstances, they are surrounded by disturbed energy on the earth based on they have raised the structures. To find the root cause behind such issues, one can get help from Vaastu Vigyan experts. They will make necessary changes and offer simplest solutions to have a control on such abnormal behavior. Irritations and tension are due to imbalanced structure of kitchen so by making simple modification of lights and colors one can control abnormal behavior. By implementation of Vaastu Vigyan at homes and working place, one can experience his or her command over his behavior with society within a short span of time. The special fact about Vaastu Vigyan philosophy is that it focuses on finding the root cause of an issue and providing solution to overcome.

By Vaastu Expert Sri Kamal

Wish to sit relax by getting reliable investors and financial aid for your business? Trust Vasthu sastra

Finance is the fundamental requirement for running any kind of business. Just like heart beat for human, finance is considered as soul of the business. Starting from opening up of business, then developing it and expanding it by beating the competitors market, one is in need of finance. Getting financial assistance in case of insufficiency of fund is quite natural and often happening factor in business organization. It is always advisable that while procuring financial aid for growth of the business, it must that entrepreneur should borrow it at lower rate of interest. It is best to compare with numberless companies which are ready to offer business loans and to go with the best option prevailing in the recent market trend. This will also helps the businessmen to bring down the amount paid as interest which is a major expense while running a business.

But in recent market scenario, finding a best financial aid concern which is trustworthy and more reliable is a big deal. So to get aid from appropriate persons, first one should have the capability to analyze on what is the best choice and how to get it. If a person face issues in finding best investor for his or her business, then they can rely on Vaastu Vigyan expert’s advice. They have knowledge regarding the basic needs which helps in attracting right investor and financial support that required by a business concern. They help the businessmen to gain trust, team, vision, bonding, and support from the people around them.

Thus by understanding the surroundings, by nature, they will get knowledge regarding the financial status of their business concern. So, by implementing Vaastu Vigyan at one’s business office, it will create marvelous changes in the businessmen’s life. They can get secured and reliable finance for their concern. Also, in case if a businessmen who is drenching in business due to heavy loan amount requires trustworthy financial support in order to clear the debt. There are real instances all over the world which states that with implementation of Vaastu Vigyan, one can settle their loans and left with no dues. This is possible every area in business location has its own vibration and power. So by manifesting it properly, the financial status of a business will get improved.

By Vaastu Expert Sri Kamal

Gain more profit in your business and get giant orders

In India, customers are considered as king of business, In America customer is said to be everything, in British there is a saying “customers are precious” and in Japan, Customers are God. Hence, all business people should have tact to attract customers when they visit their firm. Due to globalization and advanced technology in modern days, even other end of the world is just a hand distance. So, a business person is always exposing to meet different attitude person from different parts of the world who may follow different customs and tradition. Irrespective of the location, study of customer’s behavior and performing business activities will definitely give best results.

As per Vaastu Vigyan, there are many best solutions which are available for entrepreneurs to get more gain out of their business concern. They may face lot of problems while running the business, but by application of Vaastu Vigyan as per expert’s advice will do miracles in their life. Vaastu Vigyan implemented business firm has the capability to induce customers and help the businessmen to get huge orders. Irrespective of what of kind of business sector it may be, they can go ahead and spend few cost for implementation of Vaastu Vigyan, for which there will be sure a positive return on investment.

In day to day activities, one may come across seeing most of the customers getting clustered at a specific place in a market for procuring things. This is due to natural force which induces customers to buy things from specific places. So, to create such effect to one’s shop, they need to apply Vaastu Vigyan to their shop or business centre which will create a effect in the minds of customers and induce them to procure.

Within few weeks of implementation of Vaastu, one can find remarkable changes in their business. From dry business environment to change it as a highly profitable business concern, it is wise thinking to implement Vaastu Vigyan at working zone. Just by making little alteration in the working space, one can experience increased incoming of big orders and buyers’ footfall.

By Vaastu Expert Sri Kamal

Remedial source of energy gaining for all worries in one’s home through Vaastu Vigyan

Health is wealth. Staying fit always bring happiness with it in homes. In recent advancement with medical world, most of the diseases which were considered as deadly infection in older days have also been cured today. Even then, people almost all over the world happen to face so many ailments in their daily activities. They get stuck up with sickness which will have a great effect on happiness and joy of a family. To overcome from such worries, one can rely on Vaastu Vigyan which is a best healing source. However, it is not said to be a alternate option for medical science but still there are more instances in real which has proved Vaastu Vigyan has a power to set back healthy living in family.

Ayurvedha, yoga, and Vaastu Vigyan are founded on similar philosophy of Indian Metaphysics. Hence, these three subject matters are interrelated to each other.

There said to be three basic imbalances in the space which is widely discussed both in Ayurvedha and Vaastu Vigyan. So, through hearing to Vaastu Vigyan expert’s words one can find miracle happening in his or her life. By locating the rooms in proper zones in one’s house, all the three major imbalances which is said to be the core reason for ailments will be reduced and by due course of time it may get vanished.

As per Vaastu Vigyan, the miss located spaces due to imbalance in the surroundings may appear as ailments in one’s life which is termed as “dosha” as per this philosophy. Also, based upon these three imbalances, the healthy status of a mankind will get differed. In Yoga, there considered to be three qualities of mind are held responsible for the healthy being of a mind. And also these three qualities will also responsible for outcome of emotions, feelings of a person based upon which his or her characters will be judged by the society. Hence, one can trust on Vaastu Vigyan for getting solution for his or her unhealthy and disturbed living. It helps find clues regarding the reasons for medicines not responding to their diseases. By application of Vaastu Vigyan one can build up his or her immune system which is the base for healthy life. Surgeries and other serious treatment may also be stopped if one trust and frequently apply Vaastu Vigyan in every walks of life.

By Vaastu Expert Sri Kamal

Wish to overcome from anxiety in your homes? Rely on Vaastu Vigyan

Anxiety is a kind of disorder in human beings which may be caused due to various factors. In common, most of the people come across this disorder due to stress in their lives. Usually anxiety is a outcome of external forces, but at times people by themselves will get forced to experience anxious due to their inferiority complex. Such person will often say that all worst and bad things are happening only for them and restrict themselves from enjoyments. The worse fact about it is that such persons are not aware that it is just a mild disorder which can be overcome when treated properly.

Apart from medical treatment, one can suggest Vaastu Vigyan expert also for finding a better solution for anxiety.

The main reason behind such disorder is miss location of bedroom in a house as per Vaastu Vigyan philosophy. And also it may be due improper placement of pooja room. So person living in such miss located rooms will experience anxiety in their life. A good Vaastu Vigyan expert will make changes in the house in order to overcome anxiety and restlessness. In short, miss location of these rooms may be the reason behind the anxieties within a person.

When people experiencing anxiety, will find them restless and even turn more sensitive to stuff happenings around them. They are not comfortable even with themselves and they will not trust people around them. With such mood, it is not possible for them to move socially with their environmental which will lead them to earn bad impression among his or her community. Also, in case if they are running business, it is very hard for them to make wise investment planning and often incur loss. Consequently, because of over stress and anxiety, they may prone to diabetes and blood pressure disorders. If a pregnant lady is sleeping in such miss located bedroom, due to experiencing anxious, the child will be more hypersensitive to the surroundings. Such new born child will be destructive in nature and even they try to injure themselves. So, be relaxed by making few alterations in one’s house as per Vaastu Vigyan expert’s words.

By Vaastu Expert Sri Kamal

Pass exams with flying colors

There are many ways by which exam going students can get guidance for improving their studies. In recent days, more than children who are pursuing education, their parents are trying all kinds of aspects which makes their daughter or son to score more marks in their exams. But improving the studies and winning the race is not an easy deal. One should possess concentration, focus, and better absorption on studies and should not get deviated to other unwanted resources. As education helps a child to shape up his or her future, parents are not ready to comprise with the same. There is a possibility that even though putting utmost effort, one may not shine in examination which makes their parents anxiety.

One of the best choices of improving the studies is to go for Vaastu Vigyan counseling as the wrongly located study place of one’s house may affect the studies of the children. Parents should sit patiently and discuss with children why they are unable to perform well in examination. They may get distracted due to television or toys or internet or any of such kind. So, parents should identify the symptoms and necessary measures should be taken. For an instance, if children sit and start studying in area where toys or games zone, then they will feel internally to play and not to concentrate on studies.

Vaastu Vigyan experts will make alteration in one’s house and helps the children to focus their attention on studies and to outcome with flying colors. Application of Vaastu Vigyan will help them to develop their interest in studies and tap their motivation in right path. By adhering to the Vaastu Vigyan experts words and by implementing as per their words will definitely help the parents to find positive changes in their children’s education.

By Vaastu Expert Sri Kamal

Vaastu Vigyan helps to maximize your Industrial unit production and minimize your worries

To gain more profit from industrial units, it is must to make optimal utilization of products which results in maximum production. There are more real instances all over the world, where people are facing heavy loss in industries because of improper handling of resources and poor productivity. To get rid such kind of big loss, one can opt for application of Vaastu.

Vigyan in their industries which will help them to regain in all aspects. Without any valid reason, there are efficient industrialists who face loss in their business due to various scenarios. For an instance, innovative latest machineries getting repaired, poor productivity of employees even though they are capable discharging duties efficiently may be the reason for lower productivity but to make it good there left no solution. This may be due to miss location of equipments and other fittings within the industries. So, by implementing Vaastu Vigyan on industries, one can experience positive change in running of industries.

There are procedures in Vaastu Vigyan for developing industrial production without altering boilers and machines. In many instances, production capacity has been improved to maximum level by scientific and logical implementation of Vaastu Vigyan. Application of Vaastu Vigyan for homes is quite easy when compared to doing the same in industries as there will be uniqueness in each kind of industrial sector. So by regular practice of adhering to Vaastu Vigyan, one can observe its importance. It plays a important key role in rendering excellent performance at different levels, which in turn contributes in the production maximization. Also, Vaastu Vigyan implementation will be done by most of the experts without disturbing the fittings and production units.

However, it is easy to implement Vaastu Vigyan in a new industrial unit after analyzing the suitable portion of the same which could be implemented for better production. Almost all major kinds of industrial sectors like house-ware, garments, steel, textiles, printing, petroleum refineries, package and movers and many more are also benefited through application of Vaastu Vigyan. Thus, in short, implementation Vaastu Vigyan in any kind of industry as per the expert’s advice will ensure to generate utmost productivity with optimal utilization of resources.
BY Vaastu Expert Sri Kamal

Trust, love, family bonding – meaning of life

Trusting someone and falling in love are the basic foundation for any kind of relationships in the world. Without love and affection moving life is impossible. It’s a marvelous feeling which is vital for both woman and man. Almost all the cultures followed in all over the world respects family bonding and value systems in a social institutions. By any scenario, if value systems and family bonding are separated, then life is full of depressions, frustrations and leads even to dislocations. Everyone wish to run a successful life, with intact family bonding which said to be the meaning of making home.

In recent days, there are more youngsters who are facing a main issue in their life is that delay in marriages without any reasons. Also, in other cases, people are facing problems in their marriage life due to misunderstandings or some other.

The harmony of family is totally collapsed due to such issues. Then to find betterment in life and to get rid of such problems will be possible by contacting a good Vaastu Vigyan expert who is capable to bring all kinds of positive changes in one’s life.

Even a miss located toilets or bedrooms will have a serious impact on the family harmony and family bonding. One should trust the Vaastu Vigyan before going on such option and also one can get assured positive result if changes are made in home as per the Vaastu Vigyan experts’ wordings. To enjoy win-win situations in every walks of life and enjoying such successful moments with family is possible quickly with the application of Vaastu Vigyan. There are number of cases in reality who have suffered from all the above said issues and now leading a happy and joyful life after implementing Vaastu Vigyan in their homes. Trust it and get rid of all kinds of worries.

By Vaastu Expert Sri Kamal

Money makes people, Vaastu helps you to make money

Money is a general thing which is mandatory to run life in this world. Human beings life runs behind things to satisfy the dreams and desires. To procure desired things one is in need of money. Whatever things one wants to buy in this materialistic world, money is the mediator. In ancient days, barter system in other exchanging things for getting things is the method followed by people to acquire things. After revolutions, now people are using money as a medium to do the same activities. Also, if one sells things and he or she expect to get money as exchange. But many people in this world are trying hard to earn money for running their life. Even after putting utmost efforts, there are larger sections of people who are experiencing insufficiency of fund in their hands.

Irrespective of people those who are running business on their own or working under someone, may have interruptions because of their work may not be accredited by the world. In such case, they have issue with flow of money in their homes and workplace. The major fact behind such failures is that one’s work is not properly accepted by the society which happens based upon their sub-conscious behavior. So, to get success and earn more money, one should stimulate the sub-consciousness of the world which depends on different factors.

So finding the accurate reason behind one’s failure is possible by experts who are well-versed in Vaastu Vigyan as they are capable of understanding the rejection which world impose on him or her. They will reset the miss located rooms in one’s home or working area, they can experience a marvelous change thereafter. If the person is an entrepreneur, he or she can experience a positive change in business. Also, there is a possibility of increase in income, thereby sufficient flow of money into their home and working zone. Their products or services will be worldly accepted with small changes in their business area or office at an affordable cost. Assured return on expenditure is possible only with expert Vaastu Vigyan advice so delaying results denials of acceptance by the worldly sub-consciousness minds.

By Vaastu Expert Sri Kamal

Trust Vaastu Vigyan – gain Fame and Appreciation for all your efforts

Every human in this world work very hard to earn fame and appreciation from the society. Many people in this world, work hard but appreciation and encouragement will be received by someone who may not be worth for it. So, persons who have stolen one’s credit of achieving something without any contribution may gain utmost fame and accrediation. This is possible they may stay or work in a wrongly designed space against vasatu sasthra. As per Vaastu Vigyan, every room should be placed in right direction, right dimension to gain benefit while staying on that specific room. For an instance, if instead of locating bedroom in a space, if a person construct study room, the children will never feel like studying instead they feel like sleeping.

So the vibration around a room will affect the person sitting in that space. Similarly, it is applicable for commerical space also. All kinds of emotional feelings is the outcome of the sub-consioucness mind behaviour which are induced basically by the vibration in that room.

Probably in the case of not gaining fame or accredition even after putforthing utmost efforts and work, the reason behind will misslocation of room in working space which needs to be interchanged as per the advice of vasathu sastra expert. Bedroom may be misplaced in the location where one can gain fame, by which he or she may face lot of obstacles in earning the same. After applying Vaastu Vigyan at workplace or home, one can realize the changes which is happening to him or her personally within a short span of time. So spending few money for getting assistance of Vaastu Vigyan is not a big deal as the benefit which one may get will be multiplication of amount expended. People will start appreciating for one’s efforts and experiencing success in all walks of life is possible by applying Vaastu Vigyan in workplace. Proper recognization among the community and gaining fame within few weeks is possible because of vasthu sasthra implementaion. Fame is onething which makes people to grow higher and higher in their respective field and hence never fail to gain it if achieving it is in one’s own hand.

By Vaastu Expert Sri Kamal

Special influence

Since time beyond the limits of tradition, human being has been conscious of place which has inhibited power and personal sway. On such places, in ancient days, empire rise buildings to rule. And in order to regain the lost energy and power, people built worshipping temples or spiritual related buildings. Winston Churchill, British prime minister says “We shape buildings and after which buildings will shape us”. Also, many notorious people also go with these words in their scrap book.

Buildings where a person live or perform his or her work is capable of deciding the power and personal influence they may experience with the field. Experts in Vaastu Vigyan may have come across such influential and powerful building in their career. So, the knowledge which they have gained with such visits was interesting and astonishing to note. Based upon such research, they formulate concepts which are powerful to influence things in a place.

This personal influence is more important fact for those who have chosen political field as their career. So politicians who wish to regain their powers in politics can rely on Vaastu Vigyan. Also one can exercise Vaastu Vigyan for creating wonders in their business by making their brand more influential among customers.

Those who wish to empower his or her personal influence in the community may be in their home or working zone, can achieve it by implementation of Vaastu Vigyan. As personal influence plays a significant role in inducing a customer to make a purchase. So businessmen should make his or her product more influential by implementing Vaastu Vigyan as it has capability to improve the same thereby one can induce more and more customers. Personal influenced customers will in turn share their feelings to friends and relatives nearby which may act as an advertisement of no cost. So, spending few costs for Vaastu Vigyan will provide multiple positive returns in future for sure.

By Vaastu Expert Sri Kamal

A best Vaastu Vigyan expert makes one’s life full of joy and happiness

Beauty of life

Life is too short. It is everything in the hands of oneself to live a fullest life filled with utmost enjoyment and happiness. Joy and Happiness are the true meaning of leading a life and it is said to the whole objective of existence of human beings. The major part of one’s happiness or sorrow depends on his or her dispositions and may be due to circumstances. The main source of eternal joy and happiness lies within one person, but there is a possibility that due to some external aspects, one may not be in a position to experience the fruit of happiness. It’s god’s gift that only human beings has the capacity to enjoy the eternal joy and happiness which he or she may experience in their minds at any stages of life.

Human beings -God’s best creation

For an instance, due to some, if a person unable to hold or feel the objects in his or her hand, it shows that there must be some physical issue for which one need doctor consultation for sure. In practical, the doctor will not do any magic to make it good, he or she will analyze for the reason why the hands are not performing its natural function of feeling the object and holding it. Based on the results, the doctor will undergo treatment to restore it to the natural state so that it can start functioning. The root cause for not functioning will be diagnosed by the doctor for the purpose of curing. Similarly, if one wishes to experience the eternal happiness or joy, the natural ability of his or her mind should perform accordingly.

Power of Sub-conscious mind

As per researches, it has been proved that human being can experience all kinds of inputs or information through conscious mind by two ways. The first way of getting inputs is through five sensory organs namely eyes, ears, nose, tongue and skin. These sensory organs are responsible for listening, hearing, smelling, tasting and touching and based on which responding to the opponent. The second of way of receiving input is from the sub-conscious state of mind. The duty of sub-conscious is to pick up all the inputs and information from one’s living environment. And it is the responsibility of sub-conscious to create a link with the source of eternal happiness or joy within oneself. So, if sub-conscious is not responding or may be clouded with unnecessary non-relevant information which has no correlation with the living space and working zone of a person, it proves that it is not capable to connect him or her to experience joy or happiness within oneself.

Everything possible by Vaastu Vigyan

Hence, by applying expertise professional Vaastu Vigyan at the sufferer home and work zone, will lead them reconnect with the source of joy and happiness within oneself. This will help one to understand the eternal joy and happiness by enabling proper functioning of conscious and sub-conscious mind. As per Vaastu Vigyan, if one’s house kitchen, toilet or store rooms are miss located, then one cannot able to enjoy the success, happiness, money, value of relationships, joy and other kinds of achievements in his or her fully. It is best to consult topmost professionally highly talented experienced Vaastu Vigyan experts to restore one’s life with happy and joy.

By Vaastu Expert Sri Kamal

Two major ingredients for becoming successful person -Power and self-confidence

With the implementation of Vaastu Vigyan in homes and working zone, one can feel more confident and gain power. Due to lack of decisive decision making, they might have faced many issues in their life in past, but after application of Vaastu Vigyan, they may realized miracles happening in their life. Instead of prevailing always in instability state of mind, they might have gained confidence to make important decision in right way. In short, Vaastu Vigyan philosophy is a great tool for everyone who wish to regain his or her confidence and strength to run life peaceful and commendably.

In some location there may be imbalanced power and confidence zone, and the people staying in such surroundings will experience lack of confidence and defensive nature. Also, on the other hand is such imbalanced location is in extended nature, the person staying there will be over-confident on things he or she do. They make daring decisions which may lead them to incur loss or may not get implemented as expected. So, to gain right level of confidence there should balance in the location which they live.

There is a possibility that persons who feel inferior of them due of lack of self-confidence may feel fear in every walk of life. They have a dilemma even discharging their duty in their offices. By developing confidence level within themselves, they can curb all these unnecessary thoughts. Confident lacking persons will be dominated by others at most of the time which is not a good sign. Later on, due to which their point of view will not be accepted in a community or work station. So, as per Vaastu Vigyan philosophy, one should make necessary balancing of zone may be in home or in working place to gain more confidence and power. One can experience remarkable growth in their life by application of Vaastu Vigyan. Such persons usually witness marvelous change and feel that regaining of self-confidence is an amazing fact which happened in their life just by making few modifications in their location. Also, their point of views will also be considered among the community.

By Vaastu Expert Sri Kamal

Stop Draining Money & Efforts

Sometimes, people may come across a delicate situation in their life during which their money will be tapped out unnecessarily against waste expenses. They may also force to spend all their efforts and energy for unwanted things. Draining out of fund and spending vital energy can be stopped by application of Vaastu Vigyan at one’s work location and residence. Without any obvious reasons, one may feel that either their imperative energy is getting inclined off or may experience that all their valuable assets, money is being exhausted unnecessarily. This is possible under circumstance of miss location of rooms which can be remodeled based on Vaastu Vigyan expert’s advice. One who hears to Vaastu Vigyan expert’s advice will find miracles happening in his or her life in all aspects.

People may not have control on such unwanted draining expenses are also left with no clues behind such expenses to work on the same and rectifying it.

But when it analyzed deeply by a Vaastu Vigyan expert, he or she will be able to find out the reason behind such exhausting of money and efforts. As per Vaastu Vigyan philosophy, there are vibrant powers in a place based upon which resources and energy can be used to maximum level. So by application of Vaastu Vigyan, these resources and vital energies will be accumulated and tapped out towards constructive development.

There are many people in real who have enjoyed their child life with more luxurious and comfort ability but later on due to some changes made in their homes, they may have lead to experience draining out of cash and other assets unnecessarily. They may also have no control over it and could not able to find out the reason behind it. But after implementation of Vaastu Vigyan, either by just making few changes within their homes or by opening a new gate or by shifting their sleeping and working positions, the process of regaining all the assets and vital energy is possible. One may have spent thousands of funds unnecessarily but spending little money on Vaastu Vigyan implementation will help them to regain their entire outflow back.

By Vaastu Expert Sri Kamal